Thursday, January 3, 2008

A request from Nairobi...

To the supporters of Center for Transforming Mission-Nairobi:

We write to convey our thanksgiving for your notes of encouragement, for praying and for educating yourselves through the media about the disruption, turmoil and grief that the people of Kenya have experienced in the past week. Although there are many troubled areas nearby, we are continually blessed with safe housing, an adequate food supply and care and support from others as we confront a level of conflict that we, nor the people of Kenya, have ever endured before.

Far too often, we find ourselves wallowing in the injustices of the political situation of Kenya. Recent events in Nairobi and throughout the country have caused us to retract a bit, to consider the needs of hurting people and to find a renewed hope in a restored society. Perhaps our western tendencies propel us to immediately look for ways to confront inequality, restore chaos and to move on. While there are some whose work is centered on this approach, we cannot ignore the necessity to broker love and support to those that we serve at this point in time.

As supporters of our work in Kenya, we ask that you join the people of Kenya in recognizing Sunday, January 6 as an International Day of Prayer for this nation, it’s people and its’ leaders, whose presence plays a significant role in directing citizens through this time of unrest. While tension is sorted through, it is imperative that we come together as a collective people to lift up the children, women and men of this country to implement ways of peace, to support one another and to extend hands of grace and love to their neighbors. We encourage you to share this request with your church, small group, workplace, family, etc. as a way to raise up the people of Kenya in prayer at this critical time in Kenyan history.

We urge you to join us in praying for the following areas of CTM-Nairobi, the grassroots leaders that we serve and as well as this nation as a whole:

  • Tribalism plays a critical role in the current tension in Kenya. Please pray for a willingness to forgive, the advancement of unity and the redevelopment of trust among all tribes throughout Kenya.
  • These have come to be extremely violent times in Kenya. It is our prayer that people find constructive ways to convey their pain, to spare the lives and property of others and to care for their neighbors at this time.
  • Currently, there is an underlying sense of fear ingrained in this country. Pray that people can function in community with others, that businesses can resume without fear of being looted, that food suppliers can again make food accessible to people and that a sense of hospitality can be renewed.
  • There is a need for leadership at this time. Join us in praying for the top candidates and their ability to convey a courageous and humble message of peace, of hope and of merciful justice at this time while not serving self-interests.
  • Like most churches around the world, the Kenyan church struggles to understand the role that it plays in dealing with politics. Pray that the church can be a unified voice to promote peace, to model inter-tribal support and care for those that have been victimized and promote healthy dialog between political leaders.
  • The slums of Nairobi are incredibly susceptible to violence at this time. Please pray for the pastors in the CTM network, their families and their congregations as they are extremely vulnerable to violence and property destruction.. Several churches in the slums have been burned and human targets of violent acts are often unpredictable.
  • The role of CTM Nairobi looks very different at these times. Please pray for our ability to meet the needs of pastors and leaders where they are during these times. While our primary goal is to educate and enhance their ministries, many of them are in survival mode needing assistance with shelter, food and safety.

We are incredibly appreciative of your support during this time. We ask that you continue to visit our blog at for updates and invite you to join us in praying for God’s radical love, merciful healing and shalom that surpasses all tribal, political and economic barriers during this difficult time.

Peace, (like we have never meant it before)

Joel and Mandy
Center for Transforming Mission Nairobi


Anonymous said...

Mandy and Joel,

We will be sharing your message and praying for you all in Kenya. Be strong and courageous. May the Holy Spirit be in you, and around you.

Love you both,

Cyrus and Abbie

Paul said...

We're continuing to pray for Kenya and for you.

Love to you,


Barbara Clements said...

Hey you two, my prayer are with you, and I've put your blog back up on the doorways, so PLU's community can pray for the situation as well,

Barbara Clements