On Monday, Joel and I visited with Dagoretti 4 Kids. Their aim is to get kids off the streets and to find funding for them to go to school. They have been in operation for 4 years, and currently have about 30 boys going to boarding schools and are beginning to imagine news ways to help their community. They have found that helping the kids alone can be limiting and wanted to find a way to help their mothers and families. As a result, a new program has begun at D4K where HIV postive women meet at the center three days a week to make jewelry and crafts. They call themselves Dagoretti 4 Kids Support Group, as their long term goal is to make enough money to give back to D4K. There were about 10 women there working on beaded crocodile keychains.
While my first attempt was a flop (my crocodile looked a bit deformed, with its legs going in four different directions and it's ribs completely caving in) and after a bit more coaching from my new friend, I was able to make a second one successfully. The whole process took me about 4 1/2 hours. (And to think that these items would sell at the market for maybe a little more than a dollar!) But aside from making a crocodile, I wish I could put into words how amazed I am by these women. While most of them speak little English, they embraced us into their small community with open hands. They spent the day encouraging one another and asking about each other's health, they are always looking out for one another. In the middle of my second crocodile I just sat back and thought to myself, "Take in this moment Mandy, cherish it. This is one of those experiences that will leave a mark on your life..."
So often we are able to buy crafts at Ten Thousand Villages or craft fairs that support small projects like this...and I found myself on Monday counting my blessings that I was sitting amongst these women.
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