Saturday, June 28, 2008

Bad Blogger

Hello all...

I know-we have been terrible with the updates over the past couple of weeks.

Here is a sneak preview of the stories and pictures that will come after the re-entry into the land of highspeed. Until then, this is our last greeting from the southern hemisphere for a while.

  • Camping with the Dagoretti Guys, eating nyama choma and getting close and personal with a lion
  • Farewells to all of our local peeps...friends, pastors, leaders, frisbee players, teaching partners, family members...lots of food, lots of blessings and invites galore to return.
  • Significant time in getting the masters program up and rolling and in a spot where it will run smoothly from afar.
  • A trip to a 14th Century Swahili Island in the Indian Ocean with Gideon and Mwix
  • Getting our last (hopefully last) round of the stomach biology experiments in...I am taking my cipro as I type.
Tomorrow at 11:20, we enter a 777 and jet out to London...a few days to rest, to reflect and to re-energize followed by a Wednesday afternoon flight to to SEATAC airport. Get ready tasty cheeses, root beer, smooth roads, ice cream, high speed internet and evening walks-we are going to devour you!

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